nach jüdischer Friedhofstradition liegen Gedenksteine der Ewigkeit auf Gedenksteinen mit der Inschrift Bergen-Belsen auf dem Gelände des ehemaligen Konzentrationslagers Bergen-Belsen, 7.5.2017, Foto: Robert B. Fishman
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 18. Januar 2018 um 19:20
May 5-7, 2017 I joined a photo workshop on Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial titled „Bergen-Belsen – Was bleibt“ (What remains). Each of us chose a topic to work on for the 3 days on the ground. Mine was the interaction of visitors with what they see and experience in this sad place. By the fact that this place is not designed, but at the first glance only looks like a part of the landscape surrounding it, it was even more impressing than any huge and efectful memorial.
Let us never forget what happened there 1940-1945, not that long ago.
Die längere deutschsprachige Version dieses Beitrags und weitere Fotos findest Du / finden Sie hier
Entry of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017Visitors have left a light of hope in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017Documentary Exhibition in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017Original Remains of Barbed Wire in Documentary Exhibition in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017Heather Landscape reflecting in the Window of Documentary Exhibition in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017
Visitor looking at a Jewish Memorial Stone in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017Belgian Flag waving at Gravestones in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017Blurry Heather Landscape in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017Visitor taking pictures with her mobile phone in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017
Visitor in a wheel chair being shocked by what he has seen in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017German Federal Army Bundeswehr Soldiers leaving Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial, photo: Robert B. Fishman, May 7, 2017
Eine Antwort auf „Bergen_Belsen Concentration Camp Memorial Visit“
… really done a great job , telling an amazing story with those perfect shots..